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Mindful Living
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Mission Updated: The Alley Cat

Since we started this blog about travel and culture in 2011, we’ve written scores of articles about remarkable destinations, people and institutions all over the world.

Our love of sharing unusual experiences continues. But as time passes, we can’t help but notice how “progress” is altering the planet. Lands that were once pristine and undeveloped are disappearing at an alarming rate. Indigenous cultures and traditions are being compromised by globalism and mass market tourism. As time passes we must search harder for the authentic.

For these reasons, we’ve renewed our commitment to highlight special people and places. In addition to conveying our own take, we’ll suggest other resources that are helpful.

Finally, we champion “mindful living,” that is, sustaining an awareness of and respect for one’s surroundings as well as helping protect valuable, irreplaceable environments and cultures wherever they are.

In this spirit, we’ve updated our first post, published some 10 years ago, which summarizes the objectives of this blog.

Have a look at the update here.

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